
Hi there, I’m Huong! This blog is a creative outlet to share a multitude of projects, hobbies, interests, and thoughts.

I am a public health professional by day, working in areas of program development, implementation, and evaluation. When I am not working, I like to engage in my hobbies or dabble in something new. Growing up, my parents encouraged my siblings and me to be well-rounded and to learn a little bit of everything. Few people know that the complete quote for a jack-of-all-trades is actually, “A Jack-of-all-trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” I am usually not one to pick one thing, one skill, or one area of focus to hone in on and I had always felt that I was at a disadvantage for not being a specialist. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve grown to appreciate having a myriad of skills, hobbies, and interests, and I treat them as different seasons in my life. Through this blog, you’ll notice the theme that stays true is appreciating the small joys and enjoying the simple things in life.

I am always in search of how I can grow and improve, and what I can do to take better care of myself. At the same time, I want to share content that reflects where I am and to enjoy the present moment. I hope I can be a friend to you by sharing my blog. Hope you stay around. ♡
